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Showing posts with label Leo Dougherty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leo Dougherty. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

War? Who Cares? By Leo Dougherty

    Since the beginning of the war in Iraq I have been saying to anyone who would listen how easy it is for those in Congress who never wore the uniform and who do not have loved ones in the service to send other people’s children, brothers and sisters, and moms and dads into war. It’s real easy to do when you have never served or spent any time in the dangerous situations that often occur during military service.  Most often the response I get is an odd look from the person I am talking to. And, if I’m in a public place I notice others who overhear my comments shake their heads while smiling knowingly, probably thinking I don’t know anything about what I am saying. 

    I have also been saying for a very long time that multiple deployments are unfair and jeopardize the health and welfare, not to mention the lives of those who experience those multiple deployments. And I normally add that it’s shameful that a great majority of Americans just don’t care so long as it’s someone else’s loved one in harm’s way.

    Last night, Wednesday, October 5, 2011, Brian Williams and Jim Miklaszewski reported on NBC Nightly News about the disconnect between Americans and the wars. Among other statistics, it was reported that only about 25% of civilians pay any attention to the wars. 

    Can you imagine that? Seventy five percent of our society do not care about the wars and, apparently, about our young men and women who daily place their lives in danger for us. Despite the fact that we all pay to clothe, feed, transport, arm and, at least while they’re still in the service provide for the medical care of military personnel, 75% of Americans don’t care. 

    Last week I received the October 2011 VFW Magazine and on the “Now Hear This” page was the headline, “Military Draft Opposed.” The short story said, “According to a Rasmussen Reports poll in July, more than two-thirds (67%) of likely American voters oppose bringing back a military draft. 15% are not sure. Only 18% of the voting public favors conscription.”

    Whether our society intends it or not, this is the majority of America appearing to say they don’t care about war, about those who serve, and those who have served so long as it’s someone else’s loved one. That’s a pretty bold statement and I confess it’s only my opinion but even if I am incorrect, it is a perception that many who have served share. Sometimes, perceptions are stronger than reality.

    One thing is for certain. If the draft was reinstated, members of Congress who never wore a uniform would much more carefully consider when and where we send those who serve into combat. And, if those members of Congress who never served and yet have loved ones who would be required to serve in the event of war, you can bet they would make a careful determination about war. They would very likely be attuned to, concerned about, and willing to support with benefits those who did serve when they come back home. 

     In this morning’s Tampa Tribune a story by the Associated Press said that a Pew Research Center poll indicated one in three veterans say the wars are not worth it. The story said, “Nearly 4,500 U. S. troops have died in Iraq and about 1,700 in Afghanistan. Combined war costs since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have topped $1 trillion.”
    How many houses could have been built with this money? How many bridges, tunnels and roadways could have been repaired, rebuilt or upgraded with this money? How many critically ill children could we have cared for with this money? How much investment in scientific, medical, or technological research could have been made with this money?

    For a sobering eye-opening experience on the cost of the current wars, go to and just watch as the numbers move so fast it will make you dizzy. While I cannot vouch for the veracity of the figures, they do present a picture of spending that will make you wonder just what these wars have done to our economy.

    The Iraq war has cost more than $798 billion. The Afghanistan war has cost more than $461 billion. Both figures appear to increase by more than $1,000.00 each second. It’s mind boggling. 

    Should only a small minority of Americans be required to fight our wars? Should only a small minority of American families bear the brunt of worry and loss? Should we send those who volunteer to serve back into combat again and again? Should we accept that a great majority of Americans just don’t care about the wars and the warriors? Should a group of politicians who have never worn a military uniform be permitted to decide whether or not to plunge our country into war? Should we continue spending more than $1,000.00 per second for each of the current wars?

    I’m just one person but my answer to all of those questions is no. If the draft was reinstated, even if just on an as-needed basis, those questions would not have to be asked.

    Finally, why are we allowing 75% of America to enjoy the protection of our military without bearing any of the burdens the warriors and their families must bear? It’s long past the time for veterans and veterans’ families to speak out.

**** Leo is a regular contributor to VA Watchdog Today dot Org.  You can find his previous articles by clicking here.  He is an accredited agent advocate who has been representing Veterans for 25+ years.  He is a Navy Veteran and I'm honored to call him my friend.  ***Wendi***

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The End of an Era by Leo Dougherty

CSM Mellinger
 The Associated Press reported on, of all days, July 4, 2011 that Command Sergeant Major Jeff Mellinger (Fort Belvoir, VA) is believed to be the last Army draftee on active duty and is about to retire.  He will have completed 39 years of active duty military service when he walks through the gates of Fort Belvoir for the last time.  It will mark the end of an era.
If you are 40 or older the chances are you remember a time when conscription was an accepted part of a teenager’s life.  You expected to be drafted into the Army if you did not enlist in one of the other branches of service, unless you were medically disqualified.

CSM Mellinger then and now

            In 1973 however, partly or perhaps mostly in response to opposition to the War in Vietnam the draft was discontinued.  Like so many things our government does that are prompted by politicians reacting to political winds of the times, it seemed like a good idea at the time.  I was not drafted and was not even eligible to apply for a draft card when I enlisted so the draft didn’t mean a lot to me.  I didn’t think it was such a bad idea to discontinue conscripting young men into serving our country.
            Now, almost 40 years later, I believe we could have done a better job of managing the draft following the end of the War in Vietnam.
            Why do I think we could have done a better job managing the draft, rather than discontinuing it?  First, the likelihood that we would have more representatives in the House of Representatives and the Senate with military experience is greater.  That military experience would very likely result in greater consideration by elected officials of when and where our government would send our troops, our money, and our wartime resources before making a military commitment.
            Equally important, far more members of society would have experienced military service and thus their families would have a much greater understanding of the stresses loved ones must endure during deployments.
            Finally, and maybe most importantly, today’s military personnel and their families would not have to endure multiple deployments while the majority of America’s citizen’s continue with their lives as if nothing was going on in a country thousands of miles away. 
            The Selective Service System still exists today.  Our government could schedule a draft if it wanted to but in my humble opinion it lacks the political courage to do this. If it did schedule a draft out of necessity it could also stop a draft when the necessity ended.  Under such circumstances it would be interesting to see how quickly our elected leaders would be to involve our country in war when their constituents would be keenly aware that everyone would be invested and engaged in such a war. 
            I believe that if American citizens felt a war was just and necessary we would see the kind of national commitment and unity seen during World War II.  I also believe we would see much more thoughtful debate about wars that essentially involve policing, nation building, or interceding in civil wars of other countries.
            One other thing I think we could have done and should have done when we ceased drafting young men to serve in the military is provided a choice; serve two years in your choice of a military branch or serve two years in a program created to better America at home.  Had we done this we might not have a society that expects instant gratification, a society that seems to no longer have room for opposing opinions in its national discourse, and a society that seems to think it’s OK for others to do the work of representing and defending our national interests around the world.
            But, I’m just an old man who still thinks it’s an honor to serve my country.  I still believe the best experience any young man can have is to learn discipline, to learn self-worth, to learn team work even with some people you may not necessarily like or get along with, to learn pride, to learn leadership as well as following, and most of all to learn just what honor really is.  These are the characteristics I believe come from civic service and should be required learning for all young people. 
            According to the Associated Press, Command Sergeant Major Mellinger told the draft board in 1972, “I don’t need to go into the Army, I’ve got a job.”  His job was hanging drywall.
            The era of a 19 year old drywall hanger being required to serve America in some way and along the way learning about honor, commitment and all the other character traits that come with military or civic service ends with him.  Maybe I’m out of touch with the reality of the 21st Century but I remember when it was a source of pride for a family to say their son or daughter served in the military or in some government service program that made us better not just in the eyes of others, but in our own eyes.  I remember the pride I felt every time I returned home on leave or liberty.  And I remember the sense of accomplishment I felt as I walked out the gate of the Navy base in Newport, RI that last day.  It’s sad that so many young folks may never know those feelings.  And it should be unacceptable to society and elected officials that such a small group of American families have to shoulder the burden of serving and defending our country.  

CSM Mellinger will probably have this same smile on his face when he walks out the door for the last time.  I sure did.

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